Teaching Excellence in Israel (TeachEx)
Teaching excellence is of primary importance for the learning environment in higher education.
TeachEx is a project conceived to contribute to the continuous professional development of academic staff by offering adequate support structures (Centers for Teaching Excellence) and innovative, high-quality, flexible programs designed to promote better teaching and therefore enhanced learning as well.
See our Erasmus+ project page.
October 2015- October 2018
Download our app. Available on the Android App Store, and on Apple App Store.
Specific Goals
- To improve quality of education by contributing to university management in accordance with academic staff needs, connecting personal and civic fulfillment with the transferable skills required for a rapidly changing world;
- To develop and deliver training materials and follow up activities for staff working at CTEs;
- To create support structures in CTEs that outline conditions for project sustainability;
- To produce benchmark tools for teaching excellence that serve as medium and long term analysis;
- To disseminate the European experience in teacher training and preparation of documents necessary for enhancing the interaction between the CTEs and other educational key stakeholders in Israel.
Main Outputs and Outcomes
- To place sustainable structures for academic professional development as a function of academic staff and student needs, connecting personal and civic fulfillment with the transferable skills required for a rapidly changing world;
- To develop and deliver training materials for professional development including e-learning and active education in Israel;
- To evaluate the impact of training and use of materials in relationships between continuing education, academic, and student groups through the piloting of professional courses;
- To create a digital repository with open educational resources that are easily accessible to all;
- To disseminate outcomes broadly in Israel (i.e. website, newsletters, media) and internationally;
- To create informal networks through a social media app generating conditions for sustainability.
Consortium Partners

Consortium Partners

Disclaimer: "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."