- Discussed the current status of the five modules and agreed on next steps.
- Reviewed existing student testimonials and agreed on the format.
- Addressed the requirements of the financial report, as presented to the consortium by the project’s auditor, Mr. Elad Yifrach.
- Presented and discussed the data resulting from the modules’ questionnaires. The consortium agreed that each module lead will provide a brief report on the data findings and a table responding to the reviewer’s comments.
- Briefly presented final project report – agreed to share with consortium draft #1 on week commencing 30 September 2018.
- Discussed the sustainability plan of TeachEx and the CTE’s. Agreed to integrate components to the plan and share with the consortium thereafter to continue the discussion.
- Agreed to complete the table of dissemination events by adding content to existing entries.
- Agreed to host the last consortium meeting in Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem on 8-9 October 2018. Agreed to focus on the following:
- Session 1: Discussion focused on Data, Impact, and Sustainability
- Session 2: Round-table discussion (by invitation only) involving policy makers in the Council of Higher Education and senior leadership (presidents/vice-presidents and/or provosts) of HEI’s in Israel. The round-table could be moderated by the National Union of Israeli Students.
Go here to download the presentations
Click here to download the agenda, minutes, and list of participants