Beit Berl College (BBC), one of Israel’s oldest and largest public colleges, is a multidisciplinary and multicultural leading academic institution in the areas of education, society, and the arts. BBC was fully licensed as a multi-disciplinary academic college in 1979. Jews and Arabs work and study side by side at Beit Berl, where education is considered a means for effecting social change and advancing social justice. With an enrolment of 10,000 students, and about 700 faculty members, the College offers an extensive range of undergraduate (B.Ed.) and graduate degrees (M.Ed., M. Teach.), as well as certificate programs in three major faculties: Education, Arts, and Society and Culture.
The Faculty of Education, known for its rigorous and entrepreneurial approach to teacher training and community education, provides pre-service and professional development of teachers from early childhood to secondary education as well as for informal education, at-risk youth and special education.
The Faculty includes the Arab Academic Institute of Education, which trains teachers for the Israeli Arab education system with instruction in Arabic, and maintains research and library facilities focusing on Arabic language and culture. The Faculty of Arts (Hamidrasha) trains artist-teachers in the fields of plastic art, video, digital media, and film, granting bachelors (B.Ed.F.A.) and masters (M.Ed.) degree in art education.
The Faculty of Social Science and Humanities comprises several disciplinary departments in fields such as criminology, public policy, gender studies and interdisciplinary studies in the humanities. With Beit Berl’s transition to the Planning and Funding Committee (VATAT) the college has established a strategic plan where excellence in teaching is a central to the advancement of our faculty and graduates.
BBC has established the Instructional Development Center at 2012. The purpose of the center is to provide a warm and professional environment for the teaching staff. The center enables learning, experiencing and sharing of knowledge and skills regard variety of teaching methodologies. Examples of running activities: (a) seminars such as “from brain research to teaching and learning”; (b) workshops such as: mobile learning, project base learning, learning for understanding, assessment for teaching assistants, the art of lecturing; (c) projects such as lecturers open their doors to their colleagues; (d) workshops and individual advising with relation to the integration of technology in teaching from pedagogical aspect, with emphasis on collaborative learning tools.
BBC is a partner in the TEMPUS IV 5th Program Fostering Academic International Relations in Israeli Colleges to Promote Education, Research and Innovation (IRIS) and IN2IT – Internationalization by Innovative Technologies.