University of Brighton

“A part of Brighton since 1859, the university has been guided by its original ethos to become the diverse, multidisciplinary institution that it is today. With 20,700 students studying across five campuses in Brighton, Eastbourne and Hastings, the university community demonstrates civic responsibility across the south coast and beyond. We are defined by a commitment to social relevance, steering our curriculum and research projects away from the ivory tower and toward the fulfilment of public good as a trusted partner.

This not only involves active engagement with a local and global community but includes a coordinated effort toward creating an equal and sustainable environment within the university. This is based on the shared values of engagement, diversity, participation, collaboration and sustainability.

We are the leading university for the professions, particularly medicine, nursing, engineering and pharmacy.”


Prof. Anne Boddington

Prof. Anne Boddington

Professor of Design Innovation and Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities, Anne Boddington was educated as an architect and cultural geographer. She has particular interests in the spaces of learning and research and the symbiosis of arts and humanities education as agents of cultural, social and civic transformation. The founding Head of the School of Architecture & Design (1999-2006) and since 2006, as Dean of the College of Arts & Humanities, she was also the Director of the University’s Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning through Design (CETLD) (a unique partnership between the University, the V&A, the Royal College of Art and the RIBA) and co-director of the HEA’s Subject Centre in Art Design and Media.

A registered architect, fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA), and an affiliate member of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), she has been an independent governor, trustee, chair and an elected member of many regional and national councils in the cultural sector and in higher education including as a member of the Arts & Humanities Research Council Advisory Board (AHRC); Vice Chair of Council for Higher Education in Art& Design (CHEAD) and a trustee of the Design Council/CABE. Working with HEFCE she was a panel member of the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE 2008) and Deputy Chair of D34 for the Research Excellence Framework (REF) panel in 2014 as well as a member of the REF 2014 Equality & Diversity Panel. Her research has been supported and funded by the EU, EPSRC, AHRC, the HEA and HEFCE. She has an international profile as a speaker and advisor for research development, quality assurance, enhancement and teaching innovation in Architecture, Art and Design across Europe, the Middle East and Asia. She undertakes regular peer review and research assessment for academic journals and conferences and has worked with and for research councils of Portugal, Iceland, Austria, Germany, Israel and Canada.

Mr. Ross Clark

Mr. Ross Clark

Ross Clark is a researcher and lecturer in the College of Arts and Humanities. Educated in phillosphy, literature and psychoanalysis, Ross Clark’s scholarly work develops contemporary thinkers’ attempts to re-conceptualise subjectivity in the modern, technological age. A Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts, Ross joined the University in 2013 as a researcher in the Centre for Research Development (CRD). His role includes responsibility for working with and supporting fellow academics in the fields of Art, Design and Media in the articulation and communication of their research.

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