The video below briefly outlines the content of the Mobile Learning module:

Mobile Learning TeachEx


Osnat Dagan, Naama Israeli, Ruth Erez, and Noa Ragonis from Beit Berl College

Orly Sela and Tamar Zaafran from Oranim Academic College

Davida Pollak, Limor Harrary, and Ariella Levenberg from Gordon Academic College


Mobile learning (ML)is defined as: "the processes (both personal and public) of coming to know through exploration and conversation across multiple contexts among people and interactive technologies “ (Sharples et al., 2007, p.4).  Therefore, the main objective of ML is to provide the learner with the ability to learn anywhere and at any time. It is more than just access to content and communication with others. It is about the mobility of the learner. Via ML, the learner is encouraged to be active through exploration, conversation, and interaction across multiple social and content contexts.

This module is a fusion of several approaches to learning, including the constructive, active, authentic, cooperative, and personalized approaches. Also, inspired by the experiential learning theory, in our workshops the participants engage in real live experiences of ML followed by reflection processes using the relevant theories.


The ML module aims to foster the use of new pedagogies in teaching and learning processes in higher education by:

  1. Exposing the faculty to mobile learning theory and different frameworks.
  2. Giving a hands-on positive learning experience using ML.
  3. Raising awareness of different possibilities for M-learning use.
  4. Increasing familiarity with and skills using M-Learning activities.
Teachex Themes

ML promotes teaching excellence. The module incorporates four TeachEx themes:

Theme 1: Introducing innovation in active teaching & learning.

Theme 3: Bridging the generation gap by including mobile devices as learning tools in the learning environment.

Theme 4: Managing diversity in the classroom by using mobile devices to personalize learning, adapting assignments and resources to different students in the same class.

Theme 5: Promoting the use of technology for educational purposes: This module encourages educators to use educational technology, particularly mobile learning.

Learning outcomes

By the end of each workshop, the participants will be able to:

  1. Identify the pedagogical value of a Mobile Learning activity.
  2. Analyze the pedagogical contribution of a Mobile Learning activity.
  3. Create assignments that include a Mobile Learning activity.
  4. Evaluate a Mobile Learning activity according to different approaches (active, constructive, collaborative, authentic, personalized).
Target population


Recommended venues for training

The material is built in a modular way which allows for any setting proposed by the Center of Teaching Enhancement. After an introductory session, the workshops can be held in class or outside.

Training guide & materials

The guide includes an “Introduction to ML” unit and six different workshops.

The “Introduction to ML” presents the mobile learning principles, and its advantages and challenges. It can be used as a standalone or as the first part of in a series of workshops. It is a prerequisite for the other workshops.

The six modular workshops are separate. Following the introductory unit, any combination may be chosen, according to faculty needs. Each workshop contains: a rationale including learning outcomes, a detailed description of the workshop accompanied by a PPT and links to theoretical background and examples.

All workshops follow the same five stages: 

  1. Experiencing the use of a certain activity as a learner.
  2. Discussing the pedagogical uses and benefits of that kind of activity.
  3. Creating a similar or a resembling activity for their students in course contexts of the participants’ choice.
  4. Sharing of products with the whole class, while evaluating, discussing, and improving the products.
  5. Completing a feedback form.

The workshops are:

1) Location based learning

2) Using documentation to enhance reflection

3) Digital portfolio

4) Creating and sharing digital content

5) Quizzes and polls

6) Augmented reality

In order for the faculty to assess the activity they have designed for their students, we suggest using an assessment tool that was developed by the Department of Innovation and Technology in Education at GACE (Gordon Academic College of Education, ISR) named T.T.L - Tech Teach Learn.

Click here for the training guide & materials

The course will be evaluated using two tools. First, at the end of each workshop, a feedback questionnaire will be distributed and collected. After a set period of time, we will conduct follow up interviews of faculty about using mobile learning in their courses.